Honoring Fathers Who Cook

A father and son cutting vegetables and cooking food

Father. Pops. Dear Ol’ Dad. Is there anyone on the planet who has received less respect? Don’t get me wrong, many of us do our best to show love for Dad but most of the time we fall a little short. He’s often the subject of our jokes and we don’t always take him seriously, but deep down inside we love Dad … right? So, why do we have such a hard time expressing it? Father’s Day is the worst! What happens to us every June when it’s time to show this man how much we appreciate him? What makes us think it’s a good idea to get him a gift from the local gas station?

We’d like to propose a change in tradition and considering who we are, we are asking you to help us honor fathers who cook. We know for a fact that they’re out there but just like every other father, they seem to be getting overlooked. Not this year!

We want to start this tradition by honoring a few of our own fathers who cook here at 360 Cookware. Our visionary and manufacturer, Mr. Bryan Hurley is the proud father of a blended family that includes six kids. Yes, six. He likes to tell the story of how he was, “born in a 1 Quart Pan,” because his father started his cookware business shortly before Bryan was born. Having grown up selling cookware, there’s not much he doesn’t know about the industry. The Hurley family makes it a priority to eat dinner at the table every night. Cooking for such a large family isn’t easy but he will tell you that it’s well worth the effort. He and his wife, Beth, share the responsibility and it consistently brings their family closer together.

One of our other fathers who cook is our VP of Sales, Mr. Tim Bush – a.k.a. “Chef Tim.” Tim has been a part of our cookware family since 2012 but he’s always loved to cook. When he was introduced to 360 Cookware products, he was floored by the quality, ease of use and how well they clean-up. Once he became familiar with our company and culture, he was determined to be a part of the team. Tim is the proud father of a talented daughter who has her goals set on one day becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist in ice skating. Tim and his wife, Christina, make sure she’s prepared for practices and competitions by providing her with balanced meals and healthy snacks. “Chef Tim” is the host and personality behind our monthly Spreecasts where he gets viewers better acquainted with 360 Cookware products through live video tutorials and recipe demonstrations.

We believe Dad is special and worthy of appreciation. Do you know a father who cooks? Leave a message and introduce him to us. Let us know why he deserves to be honored!

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